Saturday, August 20, 2011

#28 - back again!

Apparently when I made my list I had a double in there somewhere. I don't remember what it was that I had doubled, but I deleted one of them and there has been an empty spot staring at me ever since. I finally decided on a goal to put in there, though I feel like it's cheating a little bit since it's something that I'm planning on doing anyway, but heck, it's still an accomplishment! The store that I work at decorating cakes always enters the competition at the Annual Grocers convention. Or something. Anyway, usually, we clean up. They brought home five awards last year, including two first places, a second and a third. I don't know what the fifth was, unfortunately. Probably my boss's fish cake. But suffice to say, we've got a pretty good reputation. It's a high standard to live up to, but my friends have offered to help me with my cake to make sure it's competition worth. I'm working on deciding on a design that is doable right now. I found a really cute rocking horse cake that my friend wants me to do for my novelty entry. I'm going to have to see how my time is looking as the competition approaches, but I'm thinking of doing cupcakes as well. I'm picturing some sort of coral reef idea, though I'm not sure how I would put the display together and what I'm picturing might be completely outside of my ability level. Some more research and planning will definitely be in order.

Competition is the weekend of September 10th, so it'll be coming up soon.

In the meantime, this is overnight shift #2 and I'm almost finished. I'm really hoping that I have the hotel room to myself tonight so I can get some sleep. I'm not going to make it through night #3 if I don't get some rest today. I can't wait until we get back into Minot next week.

I'm also playing with a plan in my mind to start getting back into serious riding. There are a lot of variables though, so I'm going to hold off a bit before I reveal it to anyone.

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